Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Choco Rhumball

Wah, ada sisa brokus gagal, hehehe. Pikir mau dibuat apa, yah? Hmm, lalu tiba-tiba teringat dengan Cupcake Pop-nya Martha Stewart. Tapi begitu lihat petunjuk, kok pakai cream cheese frosting. Duh, lagi males banget ngeluarin mixer secara pembokat cuman 1 di rumah. Jadi yah udah, pakai sistem kalao bikin rhumball aja. Dicampur melted butter dan chocolate. Masukin kulkas, didinginkan selama 2 jam dan dikeluarkan. Lau dicoba mencetak dengan cetakan bunga sesuai dengan petunjuk tante Martha. Wuahhhh, susah banget. Gagal melulu, hikssss......
Berhubung sudah malam, semangat untuk mencoba terus langsung padam. Ya sudah, ganti haluan bikin rhumball aja. Again.... hiks.....................

Monday, November 17, 2008

Steve's B'day Cake!!!

Bahan A:
Coklat blok 150gr
Butter 100gr
Bahan B:
Telur 5 btr
Gula pasir 200 gr
TBM 1 sdm
Bahan C:
Tepung terigu 100 gr
Tepung maizena 20 gr
Susu Bubuk 40 gr
Coklat Bubuk 40 gr
Garam 1 sdt
Baking powder 5 gr
Cara membuat :
  1. Cairkan Bahan A lalu dinginkan2
  2. Kocok Bahan B sampai mengembang kurleb 7 menit lalu masukkan Bahan A
  3. Masukkan Bahan C ke dalam adonan Bahan A + B
  4. Tuang ke dalam loyang (yang sudah diolesi mentega) 1/2 adonan
  5. Kukus kurleb 10 menit
  6. Tutup dengan adonan sisa dan kukus kembali sampai matang kurleb 15 menit

Untuk ganache, panaskan 100ml susu lalu tambahkan 300gr DCC. Aduk sampai rata.

Making something for Steve's B'day...

Percakapan Senin pagi.....
H: "Eh, Steve bentar lagi ultah, nih. Kasih apa yah enaknya?"
R: "Kasih kue aja." (dengan senyum manis dan muka mengharap dapat orderan)
H: "Iya gih, bikinin kue aja...."
R: (dalam hati) HOREEEEE.....
Percakapan Selasa malam.... (di tengah-tengah kesibukan cari resep)
R: "Eh, Steve sukanya kue apa, yah?"
H: "Wah, apa yah? Yang jelas gak suka yang manis-manis"
R: "HEH??? Mana ada kue yang gak manis? Ada juga lemper...Kalo Cheesecake?"
H: "Gak doyan..."
R: "Yah, jadi apa dong??? (udah mulai putus asa). Kue coklat aja yah kalau gitu. Nanti gulanya dikurangin. Trus,
kemaren Vianne pas pulang dari Eropa bawain oleh-oleh coklat masak yang 98% dark. Jadi nanti bisa pakai
coklat itu biar gak terlalu manis."
H: "Yak!" (singkat, jelas dan tepat)
Kamis sore, dimulailah membuat kue. Pengen cobain resep brokusnya Pak Sahak yang konon terkenal itu. Timbang, aduk dan kukus. Ternyata...hasilnya TOP loh. Brokusnya bisa mengembang sempurna. Jadinya kalau sampai dibelah, belahannya bisa tebal. Tapi, sebagai tambahan, next time mengukusnya harus setengah-setengah supaya matangnya sempurna.
Percakapan Kamis malam....
H: "Kayaknya kuenya enak..."
R: "Hihihihi..."
silent...nonton tv...
H: "Kayaknya besok kalo ke Bandung, enak!"
R: "HAH??? Yah, terserah kamu..."
H: "Tapi kuenya Steve gimana, yah?"
R: "Gampang. Besok tinggal hias en masuk kulkas. Sabtu tinggal diantar Pak Victor."
H: "Yah udah, besok pasgi dikabarin deh kalo jadi."
Percakapan Jumat pagi (jam 10 pagi tepatnya...)
H: "Sayang, kita jadi ke Bandung, yah"
R: "Ok, berangkat jam berapa?"
H: "2"
R: "Ok"
tutup telpon..gedubrak..gedubrak...gedubrak...
Hahaha, belom pernah sekilat ini menghias kue dari awal. Apalagi pakai acara bikin buttercream untuk lapisan dalam, bikin ganache untuk lapisan luar serta pagar coklat untuk hiasan.
Yang ada...liat aja sendiri fotonya diatas. Agak berantakan dan kurang estetikanya, kan hihihihi....
Untuk resep...di postingan selanjutnya, yah....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mango Mocktail

I make this mocktail for those who cannot consume alcohol in Sandra's bachelorette party. It's simple yet satisfying...at least for those who drinks it.

1 ripe mango (I prefer Harumanis)
1 bottle of sparkling grape juice
1 L of mango juice
Mint leaves - crushed (nek wong Jowo ngomonge dibejek...)
ice or crushed ice

  • Process the mango in blender. No need to add water.
  • Combine sparkling grape juice, mango juice, a dollop of blended mango, crushed mint leaves and ice.
  • Stir and serve.


Spaghetti with garlic bread

Yes, ladies & gentlemen...this is the easiest food that everyone could make and it's great for party. For those of you who like to try the recipe...again bear-in-mind that I made this for around 15 people. So, please do adjust the recipe as you wish.

2.5 kg ground beef
3 tbs butter or margarine
3 large onions - diced
3 garlic - fine chopped and separate some for garlic bread
2 tbs butter or margarine
2 can of button mushroom - sliced
2 tomates - diced
3 can of tomato paste (I prefer Del Monte rather than Heinzt)
100 ml of tomato sauce
1000 ml water
Salt, pepper and sugar to taste
How to:
  • Melt butter in frying pans. Add-in ground beef and saute it until turn color. Add in a little bit of salt and pepper in it. Set aside.
  • In a large pot, melt butter. Add-in diced onions and garlic and saute it until brown. Add-in the fried ground beef and keep stir fry it.
  • Pour the tomato paste and tomato sauce into the pot. Add water in it. Keep stirring it until almost boil.
  • Put the sliced mushroom and diced tomatoes in it. Add sugar, pepper and salt. Taste it.
  • If you want to make it thicker, just keep on stirring until its boil. Cover the lid and keeps it boil for another 5-10 minutes.

As for garlic bread, just mixed butter with chopped garlic. Slab it over the bread and bake it until crispy and turns gold. Enjoy...!!!

Bird's Nest Ice aka Es Sarang Burung!!!

I think this is the easiest kind of dessert that everyone could make. Yet, it is so good...especially to drink during the hot weather (well, actually any cold dessert will do as well).
Anyway, I found it's a perfect solution for those in my office who didn't or consume alcohol-based dessert. Please do bear in mind, I made this for around 15 people.
Here's the how-to....

2 package of jelly powder (around 14 gr) - any color will do
250 gr of sugar - feel free to adjust
1800 ml of water
Lychee or longan
Cocopandan or Rose syrup (I liked Marjan brand)

  • Dissolve jelly powder and sugar into water. Keep stirring until it's boiled. Pour it into mould. Refrigerate until hard.
  • When it's hard, cut into rectangle. Grate until resemble of fine string.
  • Mixed syrup with water. Add in jelly string and longan
  • Serve cold

I found it's better to use small grate because it will make the string look more delicate and resemble to real bird's nest. Also, when I went to spupermarket to buy ingredients, I found that they sell this egg-like jelly. It's really cute and it's goes well with the theme.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Amarula Cheesecake

One day, I saw this bottle in the office drinking shelves. It read Amarula Cream. Now, that's strange...why do the office wants to keep a bottle of cream? I read it more...then it's said that it is a cream liqueur. Ahhh, now it makes sense. Apparently, Amarula is made from exotic Marula fruit from Africa. It really trigger me to try. Taste like Kahlua or Baileys Irish Cream but creamier. Hmm, I wonder what can I make with this stuff. Well, Sandra's bachelorette party is just round the corner. What could be more perfect to serve a liqueur dessert to this kind of party?
After asking Mia's permission... I decided to mixed this liqueur with chocolate cheesecake. And it's turn out really-really great. Perfect for a party!!!
250 gr biscuit (Marie Regal or any chocolate biscuit will work) - crushed
125 gr unsalted butter - melted
3 tbs Amarula Cream
Mixed all the ingredient above. Press mixture evenly over base of 20cm spring form tin. Cover and refrigerate
for 30 minutes or until firm.
3 tbs gelatin
100 ml water
250 gr cream cheese
100 gr sugar
500 ml heavy cream - whipped until soft peak form
50 gr dark cooking chocolate - melted
3 tbs Amarula Cream
2 tsp Rhum (I add this because I think it's not Rhumy enough, teheehee...)
1 tsp lemon juice (if you like)
  • Mixed gelatin with water in a small bowl. Stand bowl in small saucepan of simmering water. Stir until gelatin dissolves and clear. Set aside to let it cool.
  • Beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth and creamy. Gradually, add lemon juice, Amarula and rhum. Mixed well. Fold in the whipped cream, melted dcc and followed by gelatin mixture. Mixed it well again.
  • Spoon mixture over the base. Cover and refrigerate it at least 8 hours.
  • Serve and enjoy!!!

Based on last experience, it's better to refrigerate it rather than put it in the freezer. The base is easier to cut, hehehe... :) I think this kind of dessert will be great if served with black coffee or plain tea. Bitterness meet with sweetness in your mouth...hmm....