I think this is the easiest kind of dessert that everyone could make. Yet, it is so good...especially to drink during the hot weather (well, actually any cold dessert will do as well).
Anyway, I found it's a perfect solution for those in my office who didn't or consume alcohol-based dessert. Please do bear in mind, I made this for around 15 people.
Here's the how-to....
2 package of jelly powder (around 14 gr) - any color will do
250 gr of sugar - feel free to adjust
1800 ml of water
Lychee or longan
Cocopandan or Rose syrup (I liked Marjan brand)
- Dissolve jelly powder and sugar into water. Keep stirring until it's boiled. Pour it into mould. Refrigerate until hard.
- When it's hard, cut into rectangle. Grate until resemble of fine string.
- Mixed syrup with water. Add in jelly string and longan
- Serve cold
I found it's better to use small grate because it will make the string look more delicate and resemble to real bird's nest. Also, when I went to spupermarket to buy ingredients, I found that they sell this egg-like jelly. It's really cute and it's goes well with the theme.
1 comment:
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